Eng. Narjes Shawabkeh

I have worked at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing since 1997 in the field of architectural design.

I have held several positions, including Head of the Building Codes Department of the Jordan Green Building Council, The Head of the Department of Architectural Design in the Directorate of Buildings & Projects, and Director of Buildings Studies.

With over 25 years of experience in architectural design, I am a member of the Environmental Facilities Committee in the Higher Council for the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities.

I have collaborated with JICA, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, in the field of barrier-free environments and environmental accessibility.

Additionally, I am a member of the Committee for Updating Building Requirements Codes for Persons with Disabilities in the Jordanian National Building Council and a member of the Engineers Association in the same field.

Later, I took early retirement to devote myself to my family and focus on their needs.

Three years into my early retirement, I had the chance to meet colleague Aya Aghabi and joined the Accessible Jordan team as an Accessibility and Architectural Consultant.

This marked the beginning of my strong desire to continue in this field and contribute all my engineering and technical capabilities to achieve an inclusive and barrier-free Jordan.

The journey continues towards a prosperous future filled with dedication and commitment.
